Our Transportation Department is responsible for the safe and efficient transport of students and district employees. All of our bus drivers are certified by the state and must hold a Commercial Driver’s License. They are trained to follow all state regulations regarding school bus operations, well-organized transportation, and traffic laws. You can rest assured that your child’s safety is our priority!
Please take some time to review the bus rules and routes as provided at the side of this page, and if you have additional questions, give us a call. We’re glad to be of service.
Bus Rules
For your child’s safety, please review these rules and discuss them with your child.
To insure safety, the driver must be totally in charge. Students must respond promptly to instructions given.
The use of tobacco, food, or drink on the bus is prohibited. Animals, oversized objects, glass containers, and balloons are to be transported by personal vehicle.
Students must observe classroom conduct. Ordinary conversation is permitted. Horseplay, unruly behavior, abusive and obscene language, or gestures are unacceptable.
Keep aisle, stepwell, and rear window clear at all times.
Never extend any portion of your body out bus windows.
Do not attempt to get off or move about while the bus is in motion. Always remain seated until it stops.
If you cause damage to the bus, you or your parents must pay for that damage.
Regular schedules must be observed. The bus cannot wait for tardy students. Arrive at your stop 10 minutes before the bus is due.
Wait at the proper stop. Never stand in the roadway.
Observe driver's instructions when you are loading and unloading. If you cross the street or road, wait for signal from driver, and cross well in front of the bus.
Drivers will not unload students at places other than their regular stops near their home or at school without proper authorization from the parent or school officials.
Failure to follow these regulations may result in suspension from transportation.
Transportation Staff
(573) 779-3446, option 5
Houston Browers
Bus Drivers
Dustin Fisher
Judy Bequette
Nicky Boyer
Bernadine Comfort
Jarah McGinness
Fern Schalk